Time: Saturday, 13 December 2014, 15H - 16H30
Location: salle 12, ENSA Paris-belleville, 60 Boulevard de la Villette, 75019

Bibliography of speakers:

***Prof. Yifan YU
With a French PH.D degree (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris), Yifan YU is a Professor at Tongji University‘s Urban Planning Department in Shanghai, and the Vice-President of the Urban Planning Association of Shanghai. She is also a Research Project Director at the Natural Science Foundation of China, as well as a Research Fellow of Université Paris-Sorbonne. Her publications include ’’The Morphology of Habitation”, ”Special Housing’s Double-Marginalizing Trap”, ”Shanghai’s Industrial Heritage: Past, Current Status, and Future Directions”, ”Approaches to Urban Design”, etc.

Table Ronde

***Dr. Li Mingye,
Directrice adjointe du Centre franco-chinois Ville et Territoire (AFCDUD Pôle Urbanisme)

Intervenants :
***Prof. Martine Bouchier
Professor to the Superior National School of Architecture Paris-Val-de-Seine - Member of the Post graduate School Paris- Ouest (ED 395) " Spaces, Cultures and Societies of the past and the - present ", - Researcher in the laboratory CRH- LAVUE/UMR - CNRS 7218 - Manager of the trial collection Crossborders, Publishing (Editions) Archibooks - Domain of Researches: « Visual Culture of the Urban Territories» «The Aesthetic Phenomena in the Public Space » - Observation Sites : France (Paris + Suburbs), India (Chennai + Nagapattinam), Vietnam (Hô Chi Minh + Bâ Tri), China (Shanghai + Wuhan).
***Dr. Kaisheng Liu
Président de l’AFCDUD

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