主办方 全法博士联谊会

为团结在法工作和学习的“城市可持续发展”领域的诸多业界、学界人士,便于沟通信息,相互增益, 本次活动得到“中法城市可持续发展协会”的大力支持,盛邀城乡规划、交通、环境、能源及建筑等城市发展领域的各位同仁参与其中。以持续、规律的学术活动为平台,为每个与会人员提供一个了解研究动态和实践成果的平台,参与及推进中法相关领域的实业合作和学术交流。

15h00 Reception
15h10 – 15h15 Introduction
15h15 - 16h00 “Metro Operating System” -- Thierry Marguerite
This presentation, with a global transit system view, focuses on the general signaling principles and how they satisfy the operation need.
16h00 - 16h45 “Automatic Train Control ATC System Architecture” -- LS Teoh
This presentation focuses on the CBTC principles during normal operation of a metro. The different types of information sent between onboard and trackside equipment to ensure safety coherence in fixed blocks or moving blocks principles. In case of partial failures, the steps that should be taken by the operators and drivers to ensure minimal perturbation in the service and the directions of future signaling systems.
16h45 - 17h30 “Transit signaling design case” -- Ying LU
This presentation focuses on the performance determined by the signaling system for metro line 1 in Santiago in manual control. In order to meet the requirements of clients, it optimizes by different solutions the headway between two successive trains in ensuring the safety of lines.
17h30 - 18h00 自由讨论


时间:2011 年10 月22 号星期六下午15点至18点
地点 Lieu :62 Rue du Javelot, 75013 Paris (Métro M14 Olympiades)


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